Wednesday, November 23, 2011

2012 is fast approaching!

As I pulled out our Christmas decorations tonight, it hit me that 2012 is just around the corner!  It made me think about the goals I had set for myself this year and how I did with them and what things I hope for in the upcoming year!  There are so many things that I want to work on and thought it was a good idea for me to write them (or type them) out to look back on throughout the year!

Here is what I've got so far:
Share Jesus with more people
Pray daily for my husband's salvation
Help grow a women's ministry in our church
Become friends with Marly (my stepson's mom) or at least keep trying
Get more visitations with Taylor (stepson)
Better handle our finances--get out of debt asap
Do more projects with the kids
Spend more time crafting
Invite more people into our home
Cook more meals at home
Lose at least 50 lbs
Keep growing our home-based business fair
Spend more time in God's Word
Spend less time on the computer
Continue to grow my Scentsy business--become a Super Star Consultant
Do more for others
Start walking a few days a week
Be more patient with my family
Stick with a cleaning schedule
Love on my husband more
Don't let the kids watch as much tv
Bible study with my kids
Slow down

So these are what have come to mind so far and knowing me, this list is just going to continue to grow and grow!  :)  I find it exciting to aim to be better, just have to remind myself that I'm not going to be perfect and I won't do all of these perfectly but at least I can try!


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